Thursday, January 31, 2013


Over the next series of posts, I am going to share the main culprits contributing to our being the least healthy industrialized nation on the planet.  Once we've tackled things to try to avoid, I'll get into things that we should try to incorporate more into our diets.  When it comes to truly becoming healthy by removing all of the unwanted ingredients from our diet, it will take a strong determination for most people.  While it hasn't been easy for me, I can honestly say that doing so has made an enormous difference to how I and my family members feel.  The saying, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" sums it up best.  You should look to remove these things from your diet a step at a time, and I guarantee you will begin to feel a noticeable difference!

First, I want to apologize in advance for sharing the first of my top 10 ingredients to remove from your diet, high fructose corn syrup.  It is by far the most prevalent ingredient that should be avoided, and one of our favorites as a nation.  I think that most of us know that high fructose corn syrup is a bad thing, but many of us don't really know why or what it actually causes.  I want to break that down so that you can make an educated decision about whether to avoid it all together (when possible) or choose to gradually try to lessen your intake of it (ie: soda once in a while instead of daily).

The first thing you need to know is just how many types of food have this in it.  The most widely known is soda, but you'll also find it as a main ingredient in things such as nearly all types of candy, cereals, ketchup, barbeque sauce, crackers, jelly, bread, peanut butter, juice boxes, breakfast bars, yogurt, energy drinks and the list goes on and on.  I have to say that I was overwhelmed when I started inspecting labels of the products that we typically buy that carried this unwanted ingredient!

What is high fructose corn syrup? Invented by research duo Marshall and Kooi in 1957, High-fructose corn syrup (HFCScomprises any of a group of corn syrups that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some of its glucose (sugar) into fructose to produce a desired sweetness.  HFCS is less expensive for the food industry to use which is one of its primary reasons for doing so.  Factors for this include governmental production quotas of domestic sugar, subsidies of U.S. corn, and an import tariff on foreign sugar, all of which combine to raise the price of sucrose to levels above those of the rest of the world, making HFCS cheaper for many sweetener applications. The food industry also prefers HFCS because it is easier to blend and transport.

Something that I found interesting is that in Europe, you will not find High Fructose Corn Syrup in the products that carry it here.  The wonderful folks at the FDA can be thanked for that!  European scientists have deemed the side effects of HFCS to be too detrimental to ones health.  If you were to order the same soda that you buy here in Europe, you would find sugar (sucrose) on the ingredient label instead of HFCS.

And just what are the symptoms of HFCS?  Here is a list of the top 10:

1. Obesity

HFCS limits your body’s ability to produce insulin and leptin, making it difficult to metabolize food and regulate appetite. The pancreas remains insulin resistance to all types of fructose, including HFCS, severely hindering appetite control.

2. Diabetes

Due to obesity and an irregular fluctuation of insulin, HFCS leads to diabetes in many people. Continual pancreatic damage remains the main cause of diabetes.

3. Tooth Infections and Decay

Foods rich in sugars and sweeteners like HFCS rot teeth by decaying the enamel coating.

4. LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides Increase

Sugars metabolize into fat, therefore increasing your unhealthy cholesterol levels along with the fat storages in your body. Since high fructose corn syrup does not cause the secretion of insulin or leptin, foods with high levels of the sweetener become nearly fully absorbed and metabolized into fat and cholesterol.

5. Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Heart Disease

High amounts of HFCS often result in higher cholesterol, which in turn blocks arteries and the flow of blood to and from the heart. This process weakens the heart muscles and the ability for new oxygen to circulate throughout the body. The increase in fat storages also harms heart health.

6. Anemia

In order for your body to digest HFCS and other sugars that contain no vitamins or minerals, you must use other storages of the valuable nutrients, depleting your body of its natural amounts.

7. Poor Immunity

HFCS interfere with the creation of hormones and enzymes in your body that normally defend major diseases.

8. Lack of Calories

Even though foods that contain high levels of HFCS provide a ton of calories, those calories have no nutritional value at all. This often gets labeled as the empty calorie phenomenon.

9. Fatigue

High levels of sugar cause your body to release greater amounts of hormones and endorphins that slow the body down.  Ever wonder why products like 5 hour energy are becoming so popular?  Can you say sugar (HFCS) crash?

10. Mood Swings and Withdrawal

Too much sugar and HFCS will cause your body to crave more, and when trying to cut back, the desire and cravings only increase.  I saw this first hand when I removed HFCS from my son Kyle's diet recently.  It was like watching a smoker or heroin addict try to quit cold turkey.  Luckily there were replacements that I found that I will share later.

Now I sympathize with many of you that eat and drink a large number of products that have this unwanted ingredient in it.  I know that my family did!  The good news is, there are a number of products out there that can be substituted for the products that carry HFCS.  Here's some examples:

Products with HFCS                                     Substitutes
Most loaves of bread                                        Buy organic bread (or look for no HFCS on label)
Most soda brands                                             Hansen's brand soda (and many others)
M & M's                                                              "Unreal" coated candy chocolates
Popular granola bars                                       Trader Joe's granola bars
Popular jellies                                                   365 Brand organic jelly
Popular syrups                                                  Archer Farms organic syrup
Nearly all barbecue sauce                               Annie's barbeque sauce

These are just a few examples.  It seemed like an overwhelming task at first to replace all of the products that we ate and drank with ones that didn't have it, but once I committed to the process after reading the symptoms involved, it was well worth the effort.  My ability to focus was better, no more headaches, my energy improved, and my waistline started to shrink.
The best results were seen in my son Kyle.  Since removing HFCS from his diet and having him take an "Attentive Child" supplement daily, his grades have improved due to being much more calm and focused.  Having him admit that to me was music to my ears!  He went through withdrawals at first, but we compensated with soda that doesn't carry HFCS (Hansen's), chocolate candies that are free of it (Unreal line), and organic gummy worms, suckers, etc. that have pure cane sugar.  
What saddens me is seeing so many children that are considered "hyper", diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or some other medication.  These symptoms can most often times be addressed by simply removing HFCS and dyes (which we will cover later).
Please consider avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup whenever possible, and watch the positive health benefits that it will have on you and your family!
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


With the new year, I've made it a goal to do whatever I can to make myself and my family more healthy through gaining knowledge about food and the nutrients that are offered (and robbed) by the various choices in our super markets today.  This didn't just happen by accident.  I have had two life changing incidents take place with my family members that has shaped me, and motivated me to achieve optimal nutrition for my family going forward.  My goal is to not only do that, but to share as much information as possible with as large an audience as possible to have a positive impact on people's health in this country.

First, our family spent YEARS trying to figure out problems that we were seeing with our second son Kyle.  Kyle had severe reflux from the time he was born, and as he got older, he was able to begin using his words to inform us of his migraine like headaches and fatigue that he experienced on a regular basis.  We started with our pediatrician, and from there progressed to a pediatric gastroendocrinologist, two ENT doctors (one of which who took out his tonsils and adenoids), an immunologist, a nutritionist, two neurologists, and the list goes on.  At different times, we heard that he was possibly having strokes, had lymphoma, had epilepsy, had a condition known as CIPD, and other a variety of other ailments.

After years on the merry go round, we finally found a holistic doctor / chiropractor (Dr. Fred Ratio out of Downers Grove, IL) that found the root source of the problem.  It turns out that the ingredients in our everyday foods that we were unknowingly feeding our son was the culprit.  Kyle had developed a food sensitivity with the symptoms of celiac disease.  Now that we knew this, and the types of foods that affected him, we could properly prescribe a treatment plan going forward.  Kyle required a gluten free diet, as well as the complete removal of dairy and sugar.  While most kids would rebel at the thought of removing so many staple foods from their diet, Kyle was remarkably accepting of the concept.  I think he realized that this may finally make food stop hurting him.  Kyle was one of the many kids in our country who's body simply can't handle many of the ingredients that are allowed into our food supply.  With the knowledge we now had on what to avoid, we saw a remarkable improvement in his overall health and well being.

Our second family challenge was the diagnosis of my wife Debbie with breast cancer this October.  There is nothing to prepare you for that call that you receive confirming that it is cancer that you are facing.  We were devastated.  While finding on Oncologist and Surgeon that you are comfortable with and trust was priority number one, I also wanted to do as much research as I could into the possible causes, and what we can do to help avoid a relapse in the future.  While the chemo treatments that have been prescribed have shown major improvements in the shrinking of her tumors, I am convinced that the changes in diet have had a positive impact as well.  While diet wasn't the only cause for Deb contracting cancer, I have come to firmly believe that there are certain things in the normal American diet that significantly increase the chances of contracting a  myriad of types of cancer.  Removing these things can significantly reduce your chances of hearing that dreaded diagnosis from your doctor.

Going through these experiences prompted me to dig deep into the food choices that we have in this country and how they can impact our health.  We are considered to have a high standard of living when compared with the other industrialized nations on the planet, yet we rank dead last at 17th out of 17 when it comes to our overall health.  Why is that?  Well, that is the purpose of my blog.  To share information that I come across to help my readers with taking steps to make healthier choices in their diets.

Since making some simple changes, I have much more energy, have maintained my health, and have drop some unwanted lbs!  I am implementing simple steps that should prolong my family member's lives and keep us out of the doctor's offices as much as possible going forward.  If sharing that knowledge can help people live healthier lives the natural way, and avoid some of the illnesses, allergies, and diseases that we face, then I'll be achieving my goal.

In the future, I'll be sharing things that I have learned to avoid, the reasons for doing so, and what I have incorporated into my diet to improve mine and my family's health and wellness.  I am looking forward to help as many as I can to live healthy, and look forward to sharing with you on a regular basis!